TODAY'S NEWS THROUGH THE EYES OF A COMMON MAN™...and the occasional rant.

Friday, July 1, 2005

Dissecting Michael Jackson Some More

I was watching the news on NBC the yesterday, then ABC, then CBS, Sesame Street, and all of a sudden it hits me, the public can't get enough of Michael Jackson's trial even once its over. I can’t get enough of how every piece of fucking media is devoted to his case, most of them siding with the little Mexican kid who claims Jackson molested him. Well I’ve got news for you kid, I'm calling you a liar.

This was how I came up with a better idea, let’s not talk more about Michael Jackson, the man deserves some quality Me-Time after all the trash he’s been through. Instead, let’s talk about someone who doesn’t deserve Me-Time, pseudo-cancer boy Gavin Arvizo whom Jackson allegedly “molested.”

Take a good look at Arvizo trying to molest Jackson with his ugly face.

What do you suppose this little Hitler is staring at? I’ll tell you what he’s thinking under that little fag-do he passes for a haircut, that he and his carousel mother can rip another fine gentleman out of hard earned cash. Why does the media insist on refering to this twit as a “cancer victim?” They manage to leave out that the boy’s "cancer" is leukemia, at but a 43% mortality rate, it’s a lame excuse for sickness much less cancer.

It should have been as easy as kicking an ice skating black kid’s ass to figure out that Michael Jackson is innocent. If Michael Jackson wanted to molest Hispanic children, he has the money to fly to any country where child prostitution is on the rampage, for example, Thailand or Cuba.

Why would anyone take a second glance at this trial and believe this runt’s plastic claim? Who else but that fat bum Jay Leno would ever publicly state “You’re going to prison” nearly every single night since the case began. Leno should stick to telling his poorly written jokes and secretly scratching his balls with his big fucking chin when he thinks no one is looking. Leno is quoted saying "I guess they [the defense] have never seen my show," that's because your show sucks.

Its sad how society in general attacks the frail or the kindhearted. Thugs holding the elderly at knife point for a few dollars, robbers pretending to need a drink of water to get into homes, that Nigerian woman who wants to transfer fifteen million dollars into my bank account. Well to all of you pricks I say this, noddy noddy!

Does this face look like it would ever molest anyone?

No, of course it doesn’t.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Taiwan: America's Bitch Since 1949

God damn I hate Taiwan, what the hell has that shit hole of a place ever done for me except keeping me up at 11:37 to write about how much it sucks. Well at least that little piece of fucking cancer is about to get a good old fashion kick in the face after the 2896 to 0 vote (2 absentee) by China’s National People's Congress which allows the use of force to keep the egg island from breaking away. Honestly, I don’t know why people look at Taiwan as China’s egg on the map. I guess I’m the only one who thinks it looks like a dysfunctional piece of shit.

China is great, 99.9% of the people show up to vote. That’s 99.9% out of 2898. The Senate and House can take a lesson, no one ever shows up to vote, which is how they passed the Patriot Act in the middle of the night.

Of course the first piece of propaganda coming out of Taiwan’s Taipei Times assures its pitiful citizens “New law has victims on both sides,” and they’re not wrong…at least if by both sides they meant the Taiwan and the “Taiwanese.” The BBC News reports Taiwan as saying “Taiwan blasts China 'provocation',” somehow I think China has already “provoked” Taiwan with the 700 missiles pointed at it, at the very least we’ll show Taiwan our meaning of “blast.” Then we can present Taiwan with their new flag.

It’s about time China passed this law. Taiwan is like that short bully in elementary school who’s big brother is the only thing stopping you from stabbing him with a fork. Now Taiwan is still sort of like that except the big brother is mentally retarded and can’t really help.

What the hell is wrong with all these retard places in China. Did you hear about Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa who stepped down in Hong Kong then insisted on talking to the press in his broken English? Hey asshole, guess what country you’re in. You can also do everyone a favor by spelling your name properly you Victoria Bitch.

Well Taiwan can protest China all it wants but they can only inbreed for so long. Oh, by the way, to my Taiwan buddies, please stop mistreating mainland citizens who live on your rat hole of an island we’re going to need our mainland people back for when we use Taiwan as a nuclear testing site.

Taiwan, you whores can thank us later for saving your ass from SARS

Friday, February 4, 2005

Fuck the Falun Gong

Who the fucks are those people doing their little pussy dance in your beautiful park? Those are our dear old Falun Gong followers. This array of cultists composes mainly of unsuccessful middle-aged men and women. I don’t know whether these people have tried wiping their ass after taking in all that shit Falun Gong teaches, but that is definitely the first step to a better life.

If wasting your time sticking your ass into the air on 12th Avenue is suppose to be in protest against the Chinese government, it’s obviously not working. The Consulate was on vacation; therefore, the only thing appreciating these bastards’s ballet dance was the desolate building.
Nevertheless, apparently, the cultists believed that I, in my car, would be fonder of their pointless protest. As one of them came towards me with their pathetic yellow fliers, I can only think of one thing “IT’S GO TIME!” I picked up the shiny new wooden baseball bat I bought a few hours before and hit a grand slam on that person’s chest just as he was handing me his homemade flyer.

Here’s a nice trivial fact, on January 23, 2001, the eve of Chinese Lunar New Year, seven Fucklun Gong (coined) followers set themselves on fire on Tiananmen Square in pursuit of "heavenly glory." If the fine men and women serving in the police force hadn’t notice that seven people setting themselves on fire is slightly out of the ordinary, Hao Huijun, one of the survivors of this incident wouldn’t be quoted saying today, "What Li Hongzhi gave me is nothing but a badly burnt face. (Source: Xinhua)”

Here are specific reasons why YOU should stay away from Falun Gong

  • You’re a follower of scientific facts: Mr. Li claims he “came from nothing and formed into something,” You can imagine how hurt this guy's mother must feel.

  • If you’re a believer of that jealous Jewish/Christian/Muslim God here’s a quote from Li Hongzhi, the founder “I will also offer you salvation and turn you into Gods.”

If you happen to be in Brooklyn and bump into Li Honzhi, perform the on screen instructions. By the way, if you bag this guy and ship him off to Beijing, you'll probably get a nice cash reward for serving him a fine plate of justice.

I should try something before I condemn it. That’s why before I left my Falun buddy I got a quick lesson on the Falun. Apparently, the Falun absorbs energy into the body when turned clockwise, and eliminates wastes when turned the other way, well it inevitably turns to this.